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1 Jan
Safety Officer
Guaynabo, PR

Position Summary               

The Safety Officer is responsible of occupational health and safety matters on a given work environment. This person will ensure that all personnel follow safety rules and regulations stated by OSHA Construction Standards and Company policies.

This individual must implement our Company Health & Safety Plan (HASP) and uphold OSHA construction field reference 1926 mandated standards. He or she will supervise all crew and personnel, as well as construction surroundings, to avoid field accidents or inspection penalties.

The Safety Officer is required to prepare and maintain records of corrective actions taken on-site and document safety and health findings. He or she will fill out daily reports, OSHA documentation, conduct accident investigations and prepare accident reports. In addition to these reports, the Safety Officer will keep on site copies of their reports, warnings or memos, orientations or any other report that may be relevant to site safety.

This person is also responsible of site clean up and implementation, maintenance and supervision of our Company and Local Agencies Recycle Plans. He or She will fill “Autoridad de Desperdicios Sólidos" (ADS) reports, our Company documentation and any other Municipality Forms.

Primary Duties

  • Eliminate unsafe conditions – Efforts shall be initiated and implemented throughout the project to identify conditions that can contribute to an accident, and to remove exposure to these conditions. The Safety Officer shall audit the work area prior to each shift to identify and correct any unsafe conditions.
  • Reduce unsafe acts – Personnel shall make a conscious effort to work safely. A high degree of safety awareness shall be maintained so that safety factors are an integral part of each task. Daily safety briefings shall be designed to heighten general safety awareness and will be tailored to the individual audiences and tasks each day.
  • Inspect frequently – Regular safety inspections of the work site, material, equipment, and operations by the Safety Officer shall be performed to ensure early detection of unsafe conditions. Safety and health deficiencies shall be corrected as soon as possible, or site activities shall be suspended. All inspections shall be documented and the records retained for the duration of the project.
  • Educate personnel concerning the requirements of the HASP.

Secondary Duties

  • Implementation of Company and Local Agencies Recycle Plans.

Key Responsibilities

  • Ensure site compliance with federal and local regulations and all aspect of this HASP.
  • Assist and represent the Project Manager in performing on-site training and the day to day on-site implementation and enforcement of the HASP.
  • Consult with and coordinate any modifications to the HASP with the Project Manager, recommend corrective actions for identified deficiencies, and oversee the implementation of any corrective actions.
  • Prepare an agenda of safety topics to be discussed in the weekly Toolbox meetings.
  • Responsible for displaying the required federal and local agencies' posters regarding the employees rights in their work environment.
  • Conduct periodic inspections to project's equipment, materials, tools and work facilities, and report findings to the Project Manager.  
  • Verify and keep the first aid kit supplies up to date.
  • Procure required safety and protective equipment.
  • Has the authority to stop any and all work activities if unacceptable health and safety conditions exist.
  • Conduct accident investigations and prepare accident reports.
  • Has the authority to remove any employee who is not complying with the company's safety rules and policies.
  • Prepare and maintain records of corrective actions taken on-site and document safety and health findings.
  • Verify field material on maintain properly Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
  • Inform  and inform all personal of on site materials and guidelines stated in MSDS
  • Notify OSHA, within the first 8 hours, of any accident in which five or more employees are involved, or report fatalities.
  • Represent management in any safety inspection carried out by OSHA.
  • Keep up to date the files required by the Department of Labor and Human Resources which shall include, among others the periodic inspections and work related injuries and illnesses log for every project.
  • Maintain clean field and coordinate daily or weekly site clean ups.
  • Implementation, maintenance and supervision of our Company and Local Agencies Recycle Plans


  • Daily or Weekly Reports, including Tool Box discussions.
  • Field Accident and Investigation Reports.
  • Maintain HASP & MSDS
  • OSHA documentation  (OSHO-300, OSHO-300A & OSHO-301)
  • Form CFSE-373
  • Company Accident Forms (Annex A, B & C HASP)
  • ADS Reports
  • Pictures of health and safety corrections.

Key Skills

  • Good planning and supervision skills.
  • Strong communication and problem solving skills.
  • Strong leadership skills.
  • Reading and interpretation of drawings and other technical documents.


  • Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering preferred
  • 30 hrs OSHA Construction Industry Certification


  • Minimum of three (3) years of job related experience.
  • Good knowledge in construction supervision and inspection.
  • Knowledge of OSHA construction field reference 1926 mandated standards.

Salary Range

  • Varies with experience, seniority & performance